CYTA 2020 Dates
Grading Requirements by Grade:
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag
- At least 20 lessons trained and 3 months since starting. Recommended to grade by instructor in pre-grading assessment.
- Student should have an understanding of the importance of flexibility and be actively working to improve this.
- Student’s level of fitness is not important yet but if it is low they should be working to improve this.
Patterns & Kiboms
Kibom Sohn il
Demonstrated at examiners request.
Advice: Take care to hold your stance strong, place all the blocks in the correct position and to pull your reaction hand onto your belt with each move.
Attention Stance
Hands held behind back, moving left foot into position while adjusting/pivoting the right foot to suit.
Advice: Stand up straight, toes and heels together. There should be no gap between your feet.
Ready Stance
Hands held behind back, moving left foot into position while adjusting/pivoting the right foot to suit.
Advice: Feet shoulder width apart. Take care not to put your feet any wider than this.
Horse Back Riding Stance
Hands held behind back, moving left foot into position while adjusting/pivoting the right foot to suit.
Advice: Feet two and a half times the width of your shoulders, knees bent and feet pointing forwards.
Walking Stance
Hands held behind back, moving left foot into position while adjusting/pivoting the right foot to suit.
Advice: Feet slightly narrower than shoulder width, one foot about a fists width further forwards than the other but not in line.
Back Stance
Hands held behind back, moving left foot into position while adjusting/pivoting the right foot to suit.
Advice: Make the letter “L” with your feet and move your back foot back about two foot lengths keeping your heels in line. Bend both knees with most of the weight on the back leg.
Long Stance
Hands held behind back, moving left foot into position while adjusting/pivoting the right foot to suit.
Advice: A long stance with front knee bent and back leg pushed straight. Front foot pointing forwards and back foot pointing slightly off forwards but not completely to the side. Hips should be relatively square to the front.
High Block
Starting from ready position and moving forwards and backwards in long stance to the examiners count. Move off with left leg first
Advice: Arm held over the head being careful not to hold it too far to the side. The outside of your arm should point up and slightly forwards. Do not over expose your inner wrist
Middle Block
Starting from ready position and moving forwards and backwards in long stance to the examiners count. Move off with left leg first
Advice: Fist should be level with your shoulder and elbow bent directly below. Bring your arm across to the centre line of your body
Low Block
Starting from ready position and moving forwards and backwards in long stance to the examiners count. Move off with left leg first
Advice: Finishing position with your arm straight held over but not too close to the same side knee.
Single Punch
In horseback stance punching to the body to examiners count.
Advice: Make sure to push the two striking knuckles forwards and pull your reaction hand back onto your hip at the same time. Try to avoid bending your wrists.
Double Punch
In horseback stance punching to the body to examiners count.
Advice: Make sure to complete both punches fully and aim them both at the same target.
Front Leg Raising
From kicking exercise long stance position. To instructors count; perform the move, pull the leg back into stance and block.
Advice: This is a stretch and not a kick so the important thing is to keep your leg straight and demonstrate how high you can swing it.
Front Kick
From kicking exercise long stance position. To instructors count; perform the move, pull the leg back into stance and block.
Advice: Make sure the knee is bent when lifting the kick up and that you try to push the ball of your foot forwards when striking.
Half Turning Kick (Ages 13+ only)
From kicking exercise long stance position. To instructors count; perform the move, pull the leg back into stance and block.
Advice: Half turn your standing foot and push the kicking leg hip forwards as you strike.
Turning Kick
From kicking exercise long stance position. To instructors count; perform the move, pull the leg back into stance and block.
Advice: The important thing at this grade is to bring the knee wide and turn your standing foot as you kick.
Sparring & Partner Work
One for One Kicking
Demonstrated with a partner using both legs and a range of kicking techniques.
Advice: This is a reaction exercise so try to kick fast without kicking below belt height as a minimum.
Free Sparring
Demonstrated with a partner using light or no contact as instructed by the examiners.
Advice: Move around and try to put combinations of kicks together.
Front Kick (Ages 16+ Only)
Demonstrated to one board as instructed by the examiners.
Advice: Position the breaking board at a height that is comfortable for you, concentrate on hitting the centre of the board hard with the ball of your foot. Kick through the board not at it.
Students aged 12 years and under are only required to learn items marked with a “*”
The Body
Solar Plexus*
Taekwondo Knowledge
- Taekwondo originated in Korea*.
- Our club, Chung Yong, was formed in 1982 by Master William Rose.
Students aged 12 years and under are only required to learn items marked with a “*”
Tae* Foot
Kwon* Hand
Do* Way
Chung Yong* Blue Dragon
One* Hana
Two* Dool
Three* Set
Four* Net
Five* Dasot
Six* Yasot
Seven* Ilkop
Eight* Yodel
Nine* Ahop
Ten* Yol
Block* Makki
High Block* Olgul Makki
Middle Block* Momtong Makki
Low Block* Arae Makki
Punch Jireugi
Single Punch (front) Ap Jireugi
Double Punch Duebom Jireugi
Front Leg Raising Ap Cha Olligi
Kick* Chagi
Front Kick* Ap Chagi
Half Turning Kick Bhi Chagi
Turning Kick* Dollyo Chagi
Breaking Kyokpa
1st Hand Technique Kibom Sohn il
(End of requirements)
9th Kup to 8th Kup – Yellow Tag to Yellow Belt
8th Kup to 7th Kup – Yellow Belt to Green Tag
7th Kup to 6th Kup – Green Tag to Green Belt
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag
10th Kup to 9th Kup – White Belt to Yellow Tag